A drawing function that outputs a CellTopic spatial distribution plot and corresponding celltype barpolt.
- st_obj
A seurat object with CellTopic meta data.
- celltype_topic
A data frame, row is celltype and col is CellTopic.
- celltopic
A character of which CellTopic to plot.
- highlight.circle
A character of which meta.data to high light. Default is
.- cols.circle
A character of circle's color. Default is
.- cols.highlight
A vector with two character of highlight spots' colors.
- cols.celltype
A vector with character of celltypes' colors. Default is
.- plot.size
A numeric of plot's size. Default is
.- nrow
A numeric of rows in the plot grid.
- ncol
A numeric of cols in the plot grid.
- ...
Arguments passed to other methods.