Load data
my_colors <- c("#66b803", "#E5AA9B", "#FABD3E", "#2B8CBE", "#DE77AE", "#9970AB", "gray", "#D5E4A2", "#71D0F5", "#B1746F", "#ADE2D0", "#20DE8BFF", "#CCDE8BFF", "#FFDE8BFF", "#FFA88BFF", "#FF6A8BFF")
The “HCC_1L_obj” data is a Seurat object that has been normalized
using SCTransform
. This data is mentioned in the section on
"Data and Materials Availability "in our paper
We first use SpaTopic to get the CellTopic of the spatial domain.
HCC_1L_obj <- RunPCA(HCC_1L_obj, assay = "SCT", verbose = FALSE)
HCC_1L_obj <- FindNeighbors(HCC_1L_obj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
HCC_1L_obj <- FindClusters(HCC_1L_obj, resolution = 1.5)
HCC_1L_obj <- RunUMAP(HCC_1L_obj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
HCC_1L_spot_clusters <- HCC_1L_obj@meta.data["seurat_clusters"]
result_list <- CellTopic(
cluster = "seurat_clusters",
num_topics = 10,
percent = 0.7
HCC_1L_obj <- AddMetaData(HCC_1L_obj, result_list[["CellTopic"]])
SpatialDimPlot(HCC_1L_obj, group.by = "CellTopic", image.alpha = 0, pt.size.factor = 2.2) + scale_fill_manual(values = my_colors)
Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck
Number of nodes: 2791
Number of edges: 103726
Running Louvain algorithm...
Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.7420
Number of communities: 16
Elapsed time: 0 seconds
Spatial expansion
then divides buffers and angles for
the specified spatial domain. It is worth noting that this method is not
only applicable to SpaTopic, but also to arbitrary spatial partitions
with certain continuity.
We divide the buffers and angles of the spatial domain of the tumor
boundary by specifying CellTopic column in
, and CellTopic8 in it.
HCC_1L_obj <- Spatial_expansion(HCC_1L_obj,
CellTopic = c("CellTopic8"),
meta.col = "CellTopic",
type = "Hexagon",
edge.plot = TRUE
Use the low resolution image
The type of data is Hexagon
The alpha value of alpha-shape method is 232
The distance of expansion is 200
The expansion of the data is added to the Seurat@meta.data and the message is added to Seurat@misc
When set edge.plot = TRUE
, the function draw a reference
plot representing the specified spatial domain divide. We can obtain a
more appropriate spatial domain divide by modifying the alpha parameter
of alpha-shape calculation.
We can check the relevant parameter settings in
as a reference for our adjustments
[1] 200
[1] 232
[1] "Hexagon"
[1] "lowres"
[1] 0.02920561
Here we get a more appropriate spatial domain divide by setting
alpha = 280
HCC_1L_obj <- Spatial_expansion(HCC_1L_obj,
CellTopic = c("CellTopic8"),
meta.col = "CellTopic",
alpha = 280,
type = "Hexagon",
edge.plot = TRUE
Use the low resolution image
The type of data is Hexagon
The alpha value of alpha-shape method is 280
The distance of expansion is 200
The expansion of the data is added to the Seurat@meta.data and the message is added to Seurat@misc
We can use SpatialFeaturePlot
in Seurat to show buffer
divide of spatial domain.
SpatialFeaturePlot(HCC_1L_obj, features = "expansion_CellTopic8", pt.size.factor = 2.2)
On the other hand, you can increase or decrease the width of the
buffers by setting distance
HCC_1L_obj_1 <- Spatial_expansion(HCC_1L_obj,
CellTopic = c("CellTopic8"),
meta.col = "CellTopic",
distance = 800,
alpha = 280,
type = "Hexagon",
edge.plot = FALSE
SpatialFeaturePlot(HCC_1L_obj_1, features = "expansion_CellTopic8", pt.size.factor = 2.2)
Use the low resolution image
The type of data is Hexagon
The alpha value of alpha-shape method is 280
The distance of expansion is 800
The expansion of the data is added to the Seurat@meta.data and the message is added to Seurat@misc
creates not only buffer information in
Seurat@meta.data, but also angle information.
We regard the geometric center of a spatial domain as the center, and the left side of the spatial domain is the starting point and the ending point of the circle.
SpatialFeaturePlot(HCC_1L_obj, features = "angle_CellTopic8", pt.size.factor = 2.2)
Gene plot
After dividing the spatial domain we can use
to show gene expression changes in
buffers in different angles.
Here we set angle = 90
, parts = 2
to get
gene expression on both sides of the tumor boundary.
CellTopic = c("CellTopic8"),
gene = c("ACTA2", "C11orf96", "CALD1", "COL1A2", "CSRP1", "CTGF", "FLNA", "IGFBP7", "MYH11", "MYL9", "PPP1R14A", "TAGLN", "TPM2"),
meta.col = "CellTopic", angle = 90, parts = 2, plot = TRUE, cols = my_colors
This method was consistent across different angles, as shown when dividing the spatial domain into four sections starting at 50 degrees.
CellTopic = c("CellTopic8"),
gene = c("ACTA2", "C11orf96", "COL1A2", "CSRP1"),
meta.col = "CellTopic", angle = 50, parts = 4, plot = TRUE, cols = my_colors
If you need to plot data for further analysis or re-plotting, you can
set plot = FALSE
to obtain the expression of genes in
buffers at different angles.