Heatmap showing unique and shared pathways of clusters.
by = "GO",
toshow = "-logFDR",
topPath = 5,
colour = "Greens",
scale = "none",
fontsize_row = 10,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = TRUE
Seurat object
which GSEA result to show, one of "GO", "KEGG", "Reactome", "MSigDb", "WikiPathways", "DO", "NCG", "DGN"
which GSEA score to show, "-logFDR", "enrichmentScore", "NES", "pvalue", "p.adjust"
number of top pathways of each cluster to show
color of heatmap, see RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info
if the values should be centered and scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none. Corresponding values are "row", "column" and "none"
fontsize for rownames
boolean values determining if rows should be clustered.
boolean values determining if columns should be clustered.
A Heatmap-class object.
if (FALSE) {
pathway_unique_shared(SeuratObj, by = "GO", toshow = "-logFDR", topPath = 5, colour = "Greens")