First, please make sure that you have previously performed the pre-processing and GSEA steps, see Pre-processing.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a Bayesian mixture model,
initially developed for the analysis of text documents.
CellFunTopic provides a method to fit an LDA model to
the clusters-by-pathways matrix derived from GSEA, where each cluster is
considered as a document, pathway enrichment score(log-transformed) as a
token in the document, and each pathway is considered as a word.
CellFunTopic infers the topic probability distribution by decomposing
the clusters-by-pathways matrix into clusters-by-topics (θ
and topics-by-pathways (ϕ
) matrices, that is, (1) the
probability distributions over the topics for each cluster in the
dataset (θ
) and (2) the probability distributions over the
pathways for each topic (ϕ
). These distributions indicate,
respectively, how important a regulatory topic is for a cluster
), and how important pathways are for the regulatory
topic (ϕ
). We assume that each cluster can be represented
as a mixture of latent topics, which reveal cellular programs shared
across cell types or exclusive to a particular cell type.
Actually, CellFunTopic provides two metrics, log-likelihood and perplexity, to determine the optimal number of topics. But we recommend a customized number of topics such as the number of cell types in scRNA-seq data, in order to improve biological interpretability.
k <- length(unique(Seurat::Idents(SeuratObj)))
# if k=NULL, the optimal number of topics will be calculated automatically according to log-likelihood and perplexity.
SeuratObj <- runLDA(SeuratObj, by = "GO", k = k, method = "VEM", SEED = 1234, plot = F)
# save object for later use.
save(SeuratObj, file = "SeuratObj.RData")
CellFunTopic provides a few methods to visualize topic modelling results.
ldaOut <- SeuratObj@misc$ldaOut
betaDF <- tidytext::tidy(ldaOut, matrix = "beta")
pws <- ID2Description(SeuratObj, by = "GO")
betaDF %<>% dplyr::mutate(descrip=unname(pws[term]))
gammaDF <- tidytext::tidy(ldaOut, matrix = "gamma")
# Show topic distribution on UMAP/TSNE cell map
topicProb(SeuratObj, reduction="umap", topic=3, pointSize=0.1)
# echart4r network showing top terms of topics with tooltips showing description of pathway ID
topicNW3(betaDF, topn=10, pws = pws)
# Heatmap showing probability between topics and clusters
# Sankey diagram showing the best assigned topic of each cluster
plot_sankey(gammaDF, topn=1)
# word cloud of top terms of topic
wordcloud_topic(betaDF, pws, topic=3, topn=20)
# 3D word cloud of top terms of topic
wordcloud_topic_3D(betaDF, pws, topic=3, topn=20)
# Heatmap showing cosine similarity between topics
# Heatmap showing cosine similarity between clusters
# Network showing cosine similarity between clusters
cosine_network_cluster(ldaOut, layout="fr", cos_sim_thresh=0.02, SEED=123, radius=0.12, width_range=c(0.1, 0.8))
# Network of cosine similarity between terms
cosine_network_term(SeuratObj, cosine_cal_by = "Topic modeling", pie_by = "Topic modeling", GSEA_by = "GO",
topn = 10, layout = "fr", cos_sim_thresh = 0.8, radius = 0.1, text_size = 2)
# UMAP on cluster-topic probability matrix
# Show top terms of each topic
Topterms_Topic(betaDF, Topic = 3, topn = 10, text.size = 3)
# barplot to show top terms of every topic
hist_topic_term(betaDF, topics=c(1,2,3,4), topn=20, axis.text.y.size=3)
# barplot to show probability of assigned topics in clusters
hist_cluster_topic(gammaDF, clusters=head(Seurat::Idents(SeuratObj)))