CellFunTopic provides built-in reference topic models for users to take advantage of large landscape datasets such as the human cell landscape (HCL) and the mouse cell atlas (MCA).
CellFunTopic also provides methods for users to make their own reference topic models.
Let us take
as example to show how to make
a reference topic model and transfer. We take the original one as the
reference data, and re-cluster it as the query data.
Make a reference topic model out of
the ground-truth cell type.
data('', package = "pbmc3k.SeuratData")
reference_SeuratObj <- readData(data =, type = 'Seurat', species = "Homo sapiens")
reference_SeuratObj <- DetectGeneIDtype(reference_SeuratObj)
SeuratObj.markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(reference_SeuratObj, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.0001, logfc.threshold = 0.0001, return.thresh=0.9)
slot(object = reference_SeuratObj, name = 'misc')[["Allmarkers"]] <- SeuratObj.markers
reference_SeuratObj <- RunGSEA(reference_SeuratObj, by = 'GO')
k <- length(unique(Seurat::Idents(reference_SeuratObj)))
reference_SeuratObj <- runLDA(reference_SeuratObj, by = "GO", k = k, method = "VEM", SEED = 1234, plot = F)
## Naive CD4 T Memory CD4 T CD14+ Mono B CD8 T FCGR3A+ Mono
## 697 483 480 344 271 162
## NK DC Platelet
## 155 32 14
Re-analyze and re-cluster
as the query
data, each cell owns a new cluster identity.
SeuratObj <- readData(data =, type = 'Seurat', species = "Homo sapiens")
SeuratObj <- CalMTpercent(SeuratObj, by = "use_internal_data")
SeuratObj <- QCfun(SeuratObj, plot = F)
SeuratObj <- RunSeurat(SeuratObj, nPCs = 10, resolution = 1, plot = FALSE)
SeuratObj <- RunGSEA(SeuratObj, by = 'GO')
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## 537 460 325 252 220 159 143 141 140 134
Transfer topic model from reference data to query data.
ref_ldaOUt <- reference_SeuratObj@misc$ldaOut
SeuratObj <- transfer_LDA(query_SeuratObj = SeuratObj, ref_ldaOUt = ref_ldaOUt, by = "GO")
dist <- SeuratObj@misc$dist
gammaDF <- reshape2::melt(dist$topics) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("document", "topic", "gamma"))
plot_sankey(gammaDF, topn=1)
mm <- dist$topics
colnames(mm) <- paste0('Topic ', colnames(mm))
pheatmap::pheatmap(mm, cluster_rows = T, cluster_cols = T, angle_col = "0", main = "probability between topic and cluster",
color = colorRampPalette(c('white', RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=9,name="OrRd")))(100),
fontsize_row = 8)
CellFunTopic provides a few methods to visualize correlation or comparison between reference data and query data. For better comparison, we identify the cell types of query data based on ground-truth identity of each cell.
mm <- table(SeuratObj$seurat_annotations, SeuratObj$seurat_clusters)
nn <- setNames(rownames(mm)[apply(mm, 2, which.max)], colnames(mm))
rownames(dist$topics) <- nn[rownames(dist$topics)]
sankey_comparison(ldaOut=ref_ldaOUt, dist=dist, a_prefix="reference_", b_prefix="query_", height=800)
cosine_network_cluster2(ldaOut=ref_ldaOUt, dist=dist, a_prefix="reference_", b_prefix="query_",
layout="fr", cos_sim_thresh=0.5, radius=0.1, text_size = 3)
cosine_heatmap2(ldaOut=ref_ldaOUt, dist=dist, a_prefix="reference_", b_prefix="query_", method="cosine")
cosine_hive(ldaOut=ref_ldaOUt, dist=dist, a_prefix="reference_", b_prefix="query_")