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We recommend CellFunTopic package to perform data pre-processing for convenience. The CellFunTopic package provides a convenient workflow for data pre-processing (quality control, normalization, dimension reduction, clustering, differential expression analysis, etc.) by integrating methods of Seurat package.


Load in the data

CellFunTopic allows various types of input, including CellRanger outputs, raw gene expression matrix, and popular R objects used for single cell analysis such as SingleCellExperiment, Seurat, CellDataSet. CellFunTopic will transform different input data into a Seurat object.

Let us use a randomly generated tiny single-cell expression matrix of Arabidopsis thaliana as a toy example.

dim(example_Ath) # an internal example data of scPlant 
## [1] 7000 2000
SeuratObj <- readData(data = example_Ath, 
                      type = 'expMatrix', 
                      species = "Arabidopsis thaliana")

You can also take CellRanger outputs as input, for example:

SeuratObj <- readData(data = "filtered_gene_bc_matrices/TAIR/", 
                      type = '10X', 
                      species = "Arabidopsis thaliana")

Standard pre-processing workflow

Then we can perform pre-processing conveniently. If users provide a pre-processed Seurat object, this step can be skipped.

SeuratObj <- QCfun(SeuratObj)
SeuratObj <- RunSeurat(SeuratObj, resolution = 0.3)
unique(Seurat::Idents(SeuratObj)) # see how many clusters we got.
## [1] 1 0 3 2 5 4 6 7
## Levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Seurat::DimPlot(SeuratObj, reduction = "umap")